There were 117 responses representing 335 household members
Woodpark was the largest group to respond representing 66.7% of the respondents
81% of respondents are working from home
31% are home schooling
Only 6% are working/schooling from basement areas
48% said there are no impacts from the construction
58% of respondents are one block or less from the construction
52% say noise is impacting them
17% say safety is a concern
26% are concerned about the hours of operation
52% say Traffic is an issue
9% say Parking is an issue
32% say the construction is affecting their Mental Health
15% say the construction is affecting their Physical Health
23% say the construction is affecting their Work Performance
9% say the construction is affecting their School Performance
9% indicate that the construction is affecting their Personal Relationships
4% indicate that the construction is affecting their Professional Relationships