Below are both notices from the City of Ottawa and WCA responses pertaining to the OC Transpo - Stage 2 Lincoln Fields station
Lincoln Fields & Area Landscaping and Architechure
The association was recently provided with a blueprint style document that outlines the landscaping & architecture for the Multi-Use Pathway near the Lincoln Fields Station. To view the plan click on this document.
Stage 2 Response to WCA Comments on Lincoln Fields Station
The response from the OC Transpo Stage 2 office on the WCA comments on Lincoln Fields station arrived in our inbox on July 28,2020. The replies along with our original comments can be found in this document.
WCA Comments on Lincoln Fields Station
Recently the OC Transpo Stage-2 office held a number of meetings to solicit feedback on each of the stations. The information they presented can be found here. In this document you will find the WCA comments on the Lincoln Fields station