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1047 Richmond Road Settlement Approved

Thank you to all the residents who wrote to City and Councillor and have participated in this 34+ month process.

Many who looked out at 1047 Richmond Road Wednesday November 8 would have noticed the demolition group were taking down the former Metro Chrysler building. Something was happening but it was not till late the following Friday that the Woodpark Community Association was notified about the settlement agreement.

There is a settlement in place that was approved by Planning and Housing Committee on November 15, and passed Ottawa City Council on Wednesday. It is our understanding that the settlement agreement will be presented to the Ontario Land Tribunal in early December. As a settlement the By-laws and Official Plan will be amended to support requirements for the new design.

The new design follows the recommendations of the Urban Design Review Panel.

  • 2 Towers versus 3

  • The existing towers have been rearranged to the New Orchard Ave. and eastern property line

  • The new tower positions will allow vista views through the site to the river

  • New tower positions place balconies in a less obtrusive view of Woodpark

  • Podium heights match the nearby Azure building and will support the main street feel 

  • Tower foot prints were reduced by 6% to 750m/sq.

  • Access to the site will now be off New Orchard Ave.

  • Parking on site and bike storage is at the same ratio as the initial proposal

There are still some safeguards and processes that the development needs to go through.

The City has stated the project needs to be phased to support adequate service availability. As always, the next step will include Site Plan approvals examining the final details prior to construction.

At the Planning & Housing Committee, Councillor Kavanagh asked the proponent representatives if they would make themselves available for an Open House during the Site Plan process to which they agreed.

We will continue to provide updates as this project continues to progress through construction.

Development and Infrastructure Committee

Woodpark Community Association

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