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429 Ancaster Decision

On Friday, October 27, the City of Ottawa's Committee of Adjustment issued its decision on the request to subdivide the property at 429 Ancaster into four lots for four semi-detached dwellings. The Committee refused the Applications.

The Committee also noted the Planning Department's recommendation that the development should have been reviewed under the Zoning By-Law Amendment process in order to ensure the serviceability of the lots.

The Woodpark Community Association had asked Woodpark residents for their views on the development. Based on the feedback that we received, we supported the proposal on the condition that

  1. a Storm Water Management Plan be developed and approved by Planning staff;

  2. that an assessment of the adequacy of the City's water supply and sewage system take place and found adequate, and

  3. that the Committee of Adjustment call upon the City to initiate work to develop a plan for Woodpark, in collaboration with residents, to guide future development addressing street parking, road safety, green space and recreational facilities etc.

This is the first time in recent years that the Woodpark Community Association has launched a consultation on a proposed development and some important lessons were learned that will be incorporated into future consultations.

There is a 20 day appeal period which ends November 16, 2023.

The link to the draft decision statement is found here.

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