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Happy New Year Woodparkers!

Welcome to 2024! Let’s make this year a great one. The Woodpark Community Association has many plans for this year. Here is a list of some of the things we will be doing in 2024.

  1. Business Sponsorship Campaign - While we are a not-for-profit corporation, we do have expenses that need to be covered. Some of these expenses are just the things we need to operate (e.g. Zoom account, Website hosting, FCA Membership fees, etc.) while others are related to the events we hold (e.g. Movie Night in the Park, Spring Festival, Mural painting, etc.). We are going to approach businesses in the local area to help fund our operations. If you know of a business that would be willing to sponsor us, let us know by emailing to

  2. By-law Updates - I know BORING! The Ontario Not-for-profit Corporations Act (ONCA) is a legal framework that sets out how not-for-profit corporations are created and governed in Ontario. The Woodpark Community Association is a not-for-profit corporation that needs to be compliant with ONCA by October 2024. This requires updating both the by-laws and the way membership is defined in the association. The purpose of these updates is to ensure that the association is following the legal requirements set out by ONCA. The updates will be done with transparency and for the benefit of all members. 

  3. Membership Campaign - The above mentioned ONCA legislation requires us to be able to produce to the government, upon request, a list of our members with some contact information. This means that to be a member you will have to sign-up. Membership will continue to be free but we will need someway to contact you and prove that you live within the boundaries of Woodpark. So stay tuned for a request to sign-up early this year.

  4. Annual General Meeting - As usual we will host our AGM in May and it will be your chance to turn out, get involved and participate. We will be electing our board members and setting up the goals for the year. As always we will have a guest presenter. Do you want to present?

  5. Spring Festival - Last year’s Spring Festival was a blast. We had fun in the sun with maple toffee, games and more. This year we hope to host the festival in late March.

  6. Mural Resurrection - Due to the rough state of the asphalt in the Ancaster/Flower intersection, we decided not to refresh the Woodpark Mural in 2023. We continue to lobby our Councillor to get the intersection resurfaced and have some hope it will happen in 2024. When it does get resurfaced, be assured we will be rallying the community to get paint brushes out and help recreate our beloved mural.

  7. 100 Trees planted in Woodpark - Our Tree Team will continue to promote the planting of trees in Woodpark. We have a goal to have 100 new trees planted in the neighbourhood before Oct. 2024.

  8. Movie Night in the Park - The past two movie nights saw great turnout. We will host the event once again in September.

2024 is going to be a busy year in Woodpark. We are looking forward to the seeing the end of the tunnel (pun intended) with the completion of Stage 2 - LRT, getting back our linear park and the development of a park at the west end of Lawn. Our Board of Directors will continue to meet monthly. Come and join us. We are always looking to have our members participate as board members, volunteers and just join our meetings and events.

Happy New Year,

David Levesque, Vice President, Woodpark Community Association

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