We have received a look ahead for the Stage 2 LRT construction work impacting Woodpark residents. The Community Association have been working hard with the City of Ottawa representatives to improve communications and we are starting so see the benefits of this hard work.

Byron Avenue
Sanitary line relocation work is ongoing at McEwen Avenue. Hartleigh Avenue utilities work is temporarily on hold and expected to resume in July.
Water-main work will be ongoing in June at Midway Avenue, at the dead end at Richmond Road.
Cylinder piles are being drilled and rock breaking is underway for the cut and cover tunnel excavation.
Work is progressing on the Woodroffe Avenue and Richmond Road deck installation involving a short-term closure of Woodroffe until June 13. Once the decking is completed it allows for tunneling work to continue across Woodroffe while maintaining traffic.
East of Woodroffe Avenue drilling, lagging and rock breaking is ongoing, with water-main bypass work to be completed end of June.
West Nepean Collector connection work is ongoing at Redwood Avenue.
Hydro will be performing power supply connections.
Concrete pouring for the Byron Tunnel walls has started in sections, which requires temporary closures along Byron Avenue until winter.

Lincoln Fields
Stations work has begun; there is a tower crane now in position by the future Station.
Drilling is underway at Carling and north at Richmond.
Carling Avenue bridge structure work is set to begin
The multi-use pathway (MUP) south of Carling is detoured to bring pedestrians behind Rosewood Avenue /Woodroffe HS west of the former MUP

Lawn Avenue
Utility relocation along Lawn Parkette is complete, but this will be used as an access road throughout summer.
Work is now primarily located within Lincoln Fields, and on Edgeworth Avenue
Edgeworth Avenue
The utilities relocation work is ongoing through August 2021
Residents receive a street parking permit when their driveways are obstructed by the work to then park further south past Lawn.
Construction vehicles are now able to access Edgeworth Ave from Richmond Road
We are a little over one year into a five year project so there is still much work to be done. On a positive note, by the time 2021 is done the rock breaking work should be done. Also on an upbeat note we have established good relations pertaining to this project with City Representatives including Bay Ward Councilor, Theresa Kavanagh. The construction consortium, KEV, is listening to our input and adjusting when they can.
We would like to invite Woodpark residents to comment below to provide ideas on how we can help continue to improve as we work through this major disruption to our community.
