August 2, 2023

Hello Woodparkers,
I hope everyone is having a good summer. I wanted to update you on several initiatives that your community association is working on.
Contacting us is becoming easier.
We are now our using email addresses with the domain. As people and positions change the email history can be moved between users allowing us to capture and maintain association history and knowledge. Below are some ways to reach us: will arrive in my inbox, you can also use
Our board members are transitioning away from their personal use email addresses to their addresses.
Generic email addresses have been set up for:
The Tree Team Activity is going full throttle.
We have now sent out three Tree Team messages.
Five trees have been planted in Woodpark since the start of the campaign. The goal is to plant 100 before October 2024.
Several more Tree messages are planned on various topics.
Postcards encouraging residents to sign up to get a city tree on their front lawn through the City of Ottawa's "Trees in Trust" program will be provided to the WCA for free and we plan to deliver them in September.
Our website now has a dedicated Tree section where you can learn about native trees, how to get a free tree and express interest in a discounted group buy of trees for your property planned for next spring.
Zoning Discussion Papers
Our letter commenting on the Zoning Bylaw Discussion Papers was sent to the Mayor and various City Councillors and City Planning Staff on July 28. It is posted on our website.
Art Crawl - Sunday August 20th
An Art Crawl focused around Flower and Compton is being organized. This Festival is not a WCA organized event however the Community Association will have a booth at the event to provide information about the Association and opportunities to volunteer.
Music on the Porch Day – Saturday August 26
This Fourth Annual event is being organized by Tom Marcantonio, a long time past member of the WCA Board. He is currently looking for a few more porch musical performances. If you would like to contribute a performance to this innovative event, please contact Tom at The schedule of performances will be available closer to the event.
Movie Night in the Park - Saturday September 9
Our Events committee are hard at work organizing the Movie Night in the Park. They will be looking for volunteers to help on the day of the event.
Need for Additional Board Members and New Members for WCA Committees
We still have two vacant Director positions. We need to fill these. We also still need community members volunteering for our various events and Committees. Please consider joining us as a board member or as a volunteer. Send an email to or join in on a future board meeting to check us out.
Next Board meeting
Thursday Sept 21 at 7 pm. It will likely be a hybrid meeting with the in person portion being held at Loen Designs on Carling and via Zoom. Send an email to to get the Zoom link.
Special Meeting for Residents on the Stage 2 LRT - Thursday Sept 28
At this meeting we will hear from Damon Berlin and KEV about the status of the LRT project and what we can expect in Woodpark in the next year. Location to be determined.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Sue Milburn-Hopwood
Woodpark Community Association
613 404 3320