The Board of Directors of the Woodpark Community Association (WCA) is seeking input from the Woodpark Community on the proposed new By-laws of the Association. By-laws set forth the rules by which the association is governed. The existing WCA By-laws were developed in the early 1990s when the organization was created and have been amended over the years. However, the By-laws need to be updated by Oct 2024 in order to comply with the new provincial Not-for-profit Corporations Act. The WCA and most other community associations are registered not-for-profit organizations.
The Board of Directors has prepared proposed new bylaws. Most of the concepts in the proposed new bylaws are unchanged from previous By-laws :
no fee for membership,
organization governed by Board of Directors,
set requirements to hold Annual Meetings of Members.
The new proposed bylaws:
remove the requirement that 2/3 of the Directors need to be homeowners, recognizing a more modern approach to community and changing housing trends.
formally recognize that meetings can take place virtually as well as in person,
provide a detailed focus on Director Conflict of Interest regulation
increase the influence of General Members in decision making at Annual Meetings.
The Woodpark Community are invited to participate in the February 20, 2024 Board Meeting to ask any questions about the By-laws. Additionally, you are able to provide comments below (please identify yourself in your comments) or send an email to with questions and/or comments. Responses are requested by March 15, 2024. Approval of the By-laws by the General Members will be considered at the Annual Meeting in May 2024.
These By-laws include a requirement for opt-in membership. Stay tuned for more information on this soon.