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Input on Variance Application - 429 Ancaster Ave.

Woodpark, like most Ottawa neighbourhoods, is changing. There is an urgent need for more and more affordable housing everywhere around us. Woodpark is no different. There is an urgent need for intensification and affordability. This has several implications for our community and our residents.

The provincial government has implemented new legislation “Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022” which in turn, requires the city of Ottawa to update the bylaws that govern what can be built and where and allow for increased density. That process is ongoing and until it is complete we still work within the existing bylaws.

Woodpark, as an unplanned community, has a variety of housing from apartments to multi-unit low rise buildings to single family homes. It also has a number of unusual lot sizes and shapes. When new buildings are built, sometimes developers need to request variances to the bylaws to build what they have designed. The Woodpark Community Association gets informed of these requests which we review and sometimes comment upon, usually without seeking input from the community. We are planning to develop some procedures on how we do these reviews, including seeking community input, so that we are consistent and fair to all applications.

In the meantime, an application for variances has been submitted for 429 Ancaster Ave. and there is a hearing on the application scheduled for Oct. 17 (press this link to find the proposal). This application is unique from others we have seen as it is requesting some variances that will permit four new semi-detached homes to be built on a large and deep property where only one single family home presently exists. The Woodpark Community Association has been consulted on this development by the developer and we believe that this represents the “gentle intensification” needed and appropriate in Woodpark.

Given the size and potential impact on Woodpark, it is prudent that we seek feedback from Woodpark residents. We will be attending the hearing on this application and will communicate what we heard from our residents.

Please reply in the comments section below to provide your input by October 15.

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13. 10. 2023

Some of the earlier comments have been well thought out and on point and deserve to be repeated and emphasized. Although the idea of intensification may seem beneficial, empathetic and maybe even innocuous with respect to addressing housing needs, what sounds ideal often carries with it detrimental and unwanted impacts.

- building height and footprint restrictions that get ignored with variances, and then serve as precedents.

- With no neighbourhood study in place or carefully thought-out guidelines and standards, how much density is ‘really’ appropriate for the character of our neighbourhood? Have we any kind of a blueprint?

- How much will it take to make traffic unbearable and our streets less safe? Not only do most new hom…

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13. 10. 2023

We already have condos like this in the neighbourhood and they seem to work great. A lot that size, was a matter of time before it is used to its full potential. The idea that this is for “affordable housing” is a laugh though. 1M+ for the land, 700-1M in development, each unit is going to be sold at what cost? Unfortunately I dont think this will bring any good to the neighbourhood. Though be it I am for the development of the land, I just wish it was in a fashion that doesn‘t just line a developers pockets on our expense… but hey, welcome to the new Woodpark I guess

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12. 10. 2023

I strongly support densification and this project proposal. However, I encourage the association to use this and other densification opportunities to put on the record that the city should be investing proceeds from permitting and approvals of projects like this to invest in critical, local infrastructure to support the increased densification (road, flood prevention, water/wastewater, garbage, road safety and energy transmission). As more of the land in the neighbourhood, which is already in a flood priority area and has been victim to numerous environmental related power outages, is developed the city must make a concerted effort to ensure the sustainability of critical supports the increased population.

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11. 10. 2023
Hodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček.

As a neighbor on a nearby street, I support this project. More density will help bring down housing costs across the city as a whole and this looks reasonable.

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10. 10. 2023

Surprised they are able to apply for front yard parking, is the Steetscape Analysis being disregarded? It will set a new precedent for future infill.

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