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What do you think about the Lincoln Field Secondary Plan?

This spring City Council is expected to approve the Lincoln Field Secondary Plan which will guide development in the area surrounding the Lincoln Fields Transit Station for the next 25 years. While the plan will provide much needed housing for 10,000 new residents, it will also change the character of Woodpark. 

The plan proposes several 18 storey apartment buildings within the interior of Woodpark along the west side of Edgeworth between Carling and Lawn. Buildings as tall as 40 stories are being proposed in the green space between Carling Ave and the Woodpark Common Ground Community Garden west of Edgeworth and south of Lawn. Buildings between 9 and 30 stories are being proposed along the north side of Carling with entrances onto neighbourhood streets rather than Carling. All of this will bring more traffic and parking problems to our neighbourhood and will strain existing water and sewage infrastructure.

City officials have acknowledged that there is not enough park space in Woodpark, yet there are no concrete plans to create new ones, despite the increasing population. There are no community centres within walking distance.

Sidewalks have been proposed but there is no budget or timeline for their construction. All this is in addition to the developments already approved along Richmond Road and it is likely that there are more to come. 

There are a number of documents on the website which describe the city's initial thinking about the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan. We will add the Plan itself when it has been released for comment. 

Please have a look at this information and use the comment function below to tell us what you think about the plan (please identify yourself in your blog post). Please also let Councillor Kavanagh ( and the City Planner  ( know what you think about the plan. 

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Apr 16, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars.

I’m deeply concerned about the proposed development plan. Adding tall buildings without thoughtful consideration for the existing community could disrupt the charm and harmony we cherish. Let’s prioritize sustainable, inclusive development that enhances rather than overwhelms our neighborhood.


Mar 16, 2024

I am definitely not happy about the Carling plans. I could only imagine a building going up and having hundreds of people looking down into our backyards, completely removing the little of privacy we already have. But even before that, we would be subjected to the years of construction that would be needed to take down the current buildings and put up new ones. So not only is privacy lost but the peacefulness of being outside in the backyard with family. And after all of that, we should also highlight that this building would bring down our property value.


Unknown member
Mar 03, 2024


In my opinion, there ought be no new apartment buildings allowed without adding greenspace, which is woefully deficient in our area. It's out to the developers to figure out how to pay for it.

When the triangle was filled inside Richmond, Midway and Hartleigh, the community was promised, at a public meeting by the then Councilor, that there'd be no new parking on the street (because, I seem to remember, there was lots of onsite parking). Drive by some evening and see how that worked out! In my opinion, it's insane to allow huge buildings be built without adequate parking space for the occupiers.

The area is unsafely deficient in sidewalks and will be made much more dangerous with…


Mar 01, 2024

The Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan is expected to provide enough new housing for 10,000 new residents - enough to house everyone living in the town of Arnprior! While we need more housing in Ottawa, we also need to ensure that the development is appropriate. I am worried that the city is not doing enough to make sure we have the infrastructure, community services and parks to support this huge increase in population. I urge Woodpark residents to get informed about the plan and provide your comments to our City Councillor -Theresa Kavanagh ( and the City Planner (

Sue Milburn-Hopwood, President, Woodpark Community Association


Unknown member
Mar 01, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

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