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Woodpark: Growing Forward - Virtual Workshops

Purpose: Engage the residents of Woodpark to understand their ideas, suggestions and priorities for their community.

Rational aims:

  • Gather specific ideas, suggestions, concerns and hopes about the issues affecting Woodpark over the next few years.

  • Prioritize ideas in terms of most important for focus, attention and effort.

  • Generate interest and possible volunteers to support the work of the community association in building community spirit as Woodpark grows.

Experiential aims:

  • Engage residents in a fun, interactive virtual workshop using online tools designed to capture their ideas and suggestions.

  • Connect residents to each other and create a sense of community in considering key issues affecting the neighbourhood.

  • Generate some momentum and interest.

Workshop approach: Hold 2 virtual workshops with additional online survey option for those who cannot attend the times of the workshop. Each workshop will be 2 hours long.

  • Saturday September 5th from 10am-12pm

  • Tuesday September 8th from 6-8pm

WCA board members will be observers, present small amounts of information or answer questions posed by community members at these sessions. Board members will be listening to hear the views of community so they can use this input to create a plan for the next year.

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