Woodpark Community Association
The Woodpark Community Association (WCA) is an incorporated organization which is officially registered with the City of Ottawa. It seeks to represent and work for the members (residents) of the Woodpark community. It strives to keep Woodpark a safe and well-served neighbourhood.
The WCA meets monthly to discuss various neighbourhood issues and initiatives. All Woodpark residents are members of the Association by default and are welcome to attend. Meetings normally take place every second Wednesday of the month. Please note that for the time being, Association meetings are being held at:
2249 Carling Ave., Unit 202
(office complex - 2nd floor door next to M&M Meats).
All are welcome to attend.
Any resident in the community (of voting age) can run for and serve on the WCA's Board of Directors, which is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. There are many other ways to help and get involved. The WCA is always looking for new team members to help with committee work and community events.
Many in our community subscribe to our email distribution list, yet there are still those who we need to reach out to with flyers and our newsletter. Members of the community willing to deliver flyers and notices in the neighbourhood are always welcome and very much appreciated.
Please take a look at the WCA Committee descriptions and consider joining the team.
If you have any questions, would like to follow up on any items in the meeting minutes, bring forth an item for discussion at a community association meeting and/or volunteer on a committee or at an event please feel to contact us.