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Volunteer Opportunities in Woodpark

As you are aware our community is in a period of unprecedented change. In order to ensure that we continue to enjoy a high quality of life here in Woodpark, we need a strong, vibrant and diverse Community Association to make sure that the developments impacting our neighbourhood are appropriate and we can retain a strong sense of community.

The Woodpark Community Association is actively recruiting volunteers to fill at variety of roles.

Website Assistant

We are looking for a volunteer(s) to develop, enhance and maintain the Woodpark website ( and email. If you have skills with WIX and MailChimp or with similar tools like WordPress or SquareSpace and are looking to contribute to your community, please let us know.

Sustainability Subcommittee

The Sustainability Subcommittee strives to promote a sustainable community, enabling residents to undertake projects to help the community reduce its environmental footprint, address climate change, and restore natural environments. The subcommittee is looking for a Chairperson and new subcommittee members.

Infrastructure and Development Subcommittee

This subcommittee monitors, reviews and intervenes on development, planning and transportation proposals impacting Woodpark. If you have expertise or interest in infrastructure and development issues and would like to participate on this subcommittee please let us know.

Event Volunteers

The Events and Outreach subcommittee hosts a variety of events in the community throughout the year. These include Park Clean ups, the mural painting at Flower and Ancaster, the Pumpkin Carving Contest, the Lantern Walk and the Holiday Gift Giving project. If you are interested in helping out with these and other events please let us know. High school students are welcome to volunteer at Woodpark events and can receive volunteer hours needed for their diploma.

Board of Directors

There are a number of vacant positions on the Board of Directors for the Woodpark Community Association. Existing and new members to the Board will be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Woodpark Community Association on Wed May 25 at 7 pm (details on location to follow). If you are interested in being considered for a Board Position please let us know. Board positions are open to residents of the community 18 years and over.

If you are interested in pursuing any of the opportunities mentioned above please send an email to telling us a little about yourself, where you live in the community and the position(s) you are interested in. The Woodpark Community is the area bounded by the Sir John A MacDonald Parkway to the west, Woodroffe Avenue to the east, Richmond Road to the north and Carling Avenue to the south. For further details on the Woodpark Community Association please refer to our website at

We are looking forward to hearing for you.

Ian McCallum

President of the Woodpark Community Association

Sue Milburn-Hopwood

Secretary of the Woodpark Community Association

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